There are four designated anchoring zones in front to the Uruguayan coast:
These are:
Service Zone
- 35° 01′ 55″ S / 56° 04′ 2″ W
- 35° 02′ 45″ S / 55° 59′ 4″ W
- 35° 03′ 15″ S / 55° 59′ 4″ W
- 35° 04′ 55″ S / 56° 04′ 2″ W
Designated to for the following services:
- Bunkering
- Loading of provisions
- Crew changes
- Maintenance
- Cash to Master
The port of Montevideo is the base from which boats are used to reach this zone.
Waiting zone and East anchorage
- 35º 07.1’ S / 55º 22.0’ W
- 35º 07.1’ S / 55º 10.1’ W
- 35º 12.1’ S / 55º 22.0’ W
- 35º 12.1’ S / 55º 17.0’ W
Only used for vessels in transit to other ports. No services permitted in this zone.
Waiting zone and West anchorage
- 35º 10.5’ S / 55º 36.0’ W
- 35º 10.5’ S / 55º 25.7’ W
- 35º 16.5’ S / 55º 36.0’ W
- 35º 16.5’ S / 55º 25.7’ W
Only used for vessels in transit to other ports. No services permitted in this zone.
Waiting zone and Delta annex
- 35º 07.05’ S / 55º 22.0’ W
- 35º 07.05’ S / 55º 10.05’ W
- 35º 12.05’ S / 55º 22.0’ W
- 35º 12.05’ S / 55º 17.0’ W
Designated to carry out the following services:
- Bunkering
- Loading of provisions
- Crew changes
- Maintenance
- Cash to Master
The ports of Piriapolis and Punta del Este are the bases from which boats are used to reach this zone.